What Couples Say

“We came as individuals, Marriage Enrichment made us a team again.”

“It was a new beginning for us.”

“We came because we thought we needed a new spark, but found we needed a complete overhaul.”

“I was relieved to find out that other couples face the same challenges.”

“We found the love we had misplaced."

”Marriage Enrichment brought us closer to Christ and to each other.”

News & Reports

Dec 2, 2014




SWOT Analysis (SWOT  =  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)


-  A gift from God  --  It works --  Theologically sound

-  Ministry uniqueness  --  Experiential-based   --  Diversity

Parish/congregation based  --  Interchurch and interfaith

-  English and Spanish --  Materials are up to date

Dedicated leadership  --  Servant-leadership development

-  Strong track record --  Self-perpetuating.


-  Dependent on volunteerism --  Leadership and team burnout

-  Insufficient follow-up and grooming  --  training

New start dependency on parishes/congregations

Marketing --  Supplier dependence on resource materials.  


-   Increase communication channels & promotion

-  Examine other venues for offering the program

-  Develop a jump-start process

-  Develop a follow-up process for participants, team, and leadership

New technologies for materials publishing & distribution.

-  Local and national expansion including interchurch and interfaith outreach.


-  Decreased volunteerism

-  Time and people resources needed for program start-up and team preparation.



End of Report

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Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, A Corporation Sole
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